I agree with you about stun spell in 100%, imo it could be even removed, its completly useless for this class, anti regeneration is useful i'd say, it helps me in pvp in certain situations, also it helpful in team fights (if in any appears). When someone have lvl over 200k and god set im unable to kill him even at 1.5kk as long as i dont use White Fear spell, for people over 700k i can not kill them even with turning off their regeneration spell. As i said reflection is useless, i tried it on Magma Wrath wich has 10s of reflecting 30+% dmg at 10th lvl. Does nothing. Making more dodge/miss chance would be fair (remember i can not move while using this spell). Honestly i can agree to remove both of those skills (its not like Tank is going to be unplayable if he has no anti regeneration or stun) but i can not agree to making unable to use Kamui Teleport while having PZ. Thats true you can not join events if you have PK but in contrast to Obito you have possibility to fight back.