(This post was last modified: 05-03-2021, 10:54 AM by Godlike Iperfect.)
I don't know why you guys keep talking about this non-sense, first of all stop comparing a tank class to a distance class in any way shape or form.

1st goes to "NoName", if you want a change to a certain class then use examples why it should be changed and an alternative in it's place.

2nd goes for "Rico", if the tank class, mostly talking about Obito here, is a class for "running away" not pvp, then i think things like "stun spell" or "anti regeneration" should be removed. I get the stun as it can help when trying to escape, but is it going to do you any good by stopping the attackers healing? I think not.

3rd goes for "WhiteblXK", increasing the time it takes to teleport is a good idea, increasing it by 1s wouldn't change much so i would agree on the 2 second increase, as to the reflection part, i would honestly either add a 25% reflection, 8% dodge or +40 phys/ener def for the duration of the kamui teleport.

An alternative could be that when in a fight(pk) you're unable to use kamui teleport, the same as you are not able to join events if you've attacked or killed a player.

Stay Safe. Use protection but on your face.