Godlike Koko Skull w pz II

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(05-31-2020, 06:22 PM)Ten Od Tamtego Wrote: no dowiedzial sie dopiero po tym jak napisalem ze robie ss Smile albo nawet i pozniej . A zglosil to po wykorzystaniu tylko dlatego ze wstawilem tu ss... tak by dalej wykorzystywal tego buga bo to nie 1 raz moze w tym miejscu po raz pierwszy . ale jest kilka postow gdzie wlasnie reporty lecialy na niego ze skullem w pz ! ;/
how am i not use it if i can't move anyway i was stuck there until my pz finished and why are you complaing when all you did was sit in pz cause you knew you would of died Smile so just change the stack to have few spots non pvp to at least be able to go up and lose skull when i just went up randomly up and just noticed that the whole thing was a safe zone