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DBKO Inferno
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Step into the vast Anime OTS realm with DBKO Inferno - featuring six iconic anime universes on a single server: Dragon Ball, Naruto, Bleach, Fairy Tail, One Piece, and My Hero Academy!

25.4.2020 - TeamSpeak 3
Author: Aragorn

PL: Dziś został dodany nowy teamspeak serwerowy. Teamspeak jest dostępny dla każdego, dodatkowo prywatne kanały są dodawane na gildię, jeżeli posiadamy gildię możemy się o nie ubiegać (wymagania: 50k+ poziom właściciela gildii oraz 5+ osób w gildii). 

ENG: A new server teamspeak has been added today. Teamspeak is available to everyone, additionally private channels are added to the guild, if we have a guild we can apply for them (requirements: 50k + level of the guild owner and 5+ people in the guild).

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Top Players
# Name
1 Furiatt (4,780,779)
2 Usoppower (4,597,721)
3 Kami (4,068,526)
4 Payek (4,046,161)
5 Kutek (3,472,542)
6 Frost (3,328,299)
7 Shaddo Eternal (3,207,048)
8 Envil (3,201,744)
9 Jyu Viole Grace (3,172,986)
10 Epicka Foczka (3,064,991)
Top Achievement Points
# Name Value
1 Kami 506
2 Payek 489
3 Furiatt 443
4 Usoppower 430
5 Shaddo Eternal 418
6 Albedo 396
7 Use Sense 390
8 Jyu Viole Grace 384
9 Kutek 376
10 Fallen 373
Top Combat Points
# Name Value
1 Detoxed 221,974
2 Pablo Hokage 181,400
3 Incowish 143,506
4 Pablovsky 139,142
5 Jyu Viole Grace 120,175
6 Kroxy 106,695
7 Toretto 106,252
8 Kael 96,392
9 Isagi 94,606
10 Hisoka 88,952